甚麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會將 Travellers' Choice 大獎頒予持續獲得旅客好評,並在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
三麗鷗彩虹樂園是一個室內三麗鷗主題公園,您所有的“卡哇伊”夢想都會在這裡實現!在這裡,您會遇到一些您最喜歡的角色,例如 Hello Kitty、My Melody、Cinnamoroll、Pompompurin、Little Twin Stars 等等!在這個三麗鷗主題公園舉辦許多活動和音樂劇,並為三麗鷗角色提供各種景點和主題遊樂設施。
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(© 1990, 2022 三麗鷗株式會社
© 2018 SANRIO/松竹批准號P1302141 S/D・G)
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- Johnny80780 篇投稿想要玩遍三丽鸥彩虹乐园-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000999900000 颗心 这个乐园真的是我去过世界上最烂的乐园真是烂透了烂透了烂透了,可是如果你是三丽欧粉的话可能会想去啦發表日期:2020年1月7日
- gjezgui0 篇投稿园区不大,部分需额外付费以拍照为主园区不大,秀场为不规则圆不是太好看秀,而且人一多小朋友都看不到,全区皆以拍照为主,及购买周边商品,若不爱拍照的可能㑹觉得无聊發表日期:2019年12月9日
- tinetinechan0 篇投稿被可爱的卡通人物包围因行程编排,我选择了于星期日到访这个室内游乐场,于约十二时到达,如我所料,乐园内十分拥挤,刚好十二半有一场大型的巡游,我们便站在二楼观赏,等待表演期间研究一下场内设施,游乐设施并不多,并有几个表演,全部都可另外付钱以购买快证或预留观赏位置,由于时间不足,我也有付钱玩其中三个游戏~ 该场大型巡游出动了三丽欧大部份卡通人物,包括kitty, melody, little twin star, 布甸狗等,故事一开始他们快乐地唱歌跳舞,然后一堆坏人到场破坏,看见他们卡通人哋之间会互相帮助我竟然感动得想哭,虽然完全不知道他们在说甚么,但表演者做得相当出色,最后kitty凭其善良(我估计)令坏蛋改邪归正,全程约半小时,十分值得欣赏! 看完表演我们走到一楼,所有设施都要再等超过半小时,我们先支付2000日元购买两个melody及蛋黄哥的游戏,然后便回到二楼购买快证以即时参观kitty的家~kitty的家不大,最令人期待是与kitty会面拍照,你可以购买一朵假花送给kitty,一开始我看见有日本人购买了十朵花,觉得十分奇怪,她究竟有多爱kitty呢?原来送花kitty会有惊喜礼物回赠给你,我也购买了一朵,当kitty看见十朵花时很高兴,还不停数着自己有多少朵花~ 然后我们再回去玩melody及蛋黄哥,都很可爱~而我则额外再花钱购买相片及玩抽奖游戏,如果可以有布甸狗专属游戏就更好了~發表日期:2019年11月14日
- DarioSaraB0 篇投稿可爱的地方如果你喜欢可爱的东西,这个美好的地方非常适合你。这里到处都是hello kitty和她的朋友们。游行很壮观,舞者和服装也很漂亮。环游世界之船正在维修中,所以很遗憾我们错过了。有孩子的家庭非常适合来这儿。發表日期:2019年9月28日
- SiuLamC20 篇投稿女孩子的天堂这里很漂亮,很梦幻。非常适合小女孩或有童心的女性。主要以歌舞表演为主。机动游戏不多。场内不多人,很多精品可买~發表日期:2019年9月21日
- Ritang880 篇投稿人多活动少我们那天大约上午11点到达的。这里非常拥挤。我们用谷歌搜索了一下,只玩了2-3个活动,包括乘船旅行,排队40多分钟进入Gaudetama体验区。由于队伍排得太长,我们并没有去做更多的事情。大多数时间都是去那里购物。我只待4个小时左右(包括午餐),然后就离开了。發表日期:2019年9月7日
- greatwalk0 篇投稿对不喜欢游乐园的人来说也很有趣我们的女儿喜欢这个地方!对于西方父母来说,这里的价格可能有点贵,但物有所值。这是在东京和孩子们一起度过一天的好去处。發表日期:2019年8月23日
- WengIL30 篇投稿超乎预期的好玩好吃好看。比起廸士尼,这里的参观更为舒适和开心。(当然你要喜欢三丽欧的角色)首先乐园在室内不怕日晒雨淋,没有刺激的游戏,但有超多可爱甜美的场景,光拍照已是超值。几个表演都十分值得欣赏,如大巡游:Hello Kitty用爱拯救了女妖(?),歌舞连场,在场每个角度都可欣赏得到。此外,Memory Boys和Hello Kitty歌舞伎都超好看,演员卖力讨喜,不懂日文也看得开心。特别一提,餐厅食物卖相和味道都有水准。礼品多样化,忍不住打开钱包。發表日期:2019年8月18日
- Peony P0 篇投稿超级可爱的地方三丽鸥彩虹乐园不负众望,满足了粉丝们的需求。这里的表演很棒,包括有面向成年观众的可爱版歌舞伎(Kawaii Kabuki)。对于三丽鸥彩虹乐园而言,其他的任何东西也都是创造更多收入的额外机会,例如抓娃娃机、相关商品和照片等。这些角色人物应该更多的出来照相。这里排的队很长,因此最好尝试着早点到这里,以便早点排队赶上这里的表演。我们大约中午十二点才到这里,因此没有玩遍这里。从多摩市(Tama)中心火车站步行过来的距离很短,因此可以留出时间步行过来。总的来说,这是参与客路(Klook)旅行体验的不错一天。發表日期:2019年6月17日
- candiecel0 篇投稿我女儿非常喜欢我不是三丽鸥的狂热粉丝,我更喜欢迪士尼,但我女儿喜欢这里。公园里非常忙碌,他们很快就中断了人物们的见面会。我很开心我从Voyagin上买到了便宜门票,如果买的是全价票我会生气的。基本上这里都是需要买的商品和一些见面会,仅此而已。我们没有去划船,因为要等。我女儿很喜欢,如果你是《Hello Kitty和朋友们》的粉丝,我确定你也会喜欢这里的。發表日期:2019年5月18日
- SelenaT880 篇投稿适合热爱三丽鸥的大小朋友们强烈建议先买好票,价格比现场买便宜之外也不用到现场大排长龙等待!我们去的那天下大雨,在外面淋雨排队等买票玩兴都变差了!进去是不能用推车,推车要放在统一地点保管,所以孩子需要推车行动的要考虑一下!热门游戏都要排很久,建议可以用门票省下来的钱去买Fast Pass,一张日币一千块可以让四个人快速通关,有快速通关会觉得游戏好玩多了.......發表日期:2019年5月7日
- lilianf8380 篇投稿第一次去凯蒂猫镇我们买到了特价折扣票,所以非常划算。对孩子们和家庭来说,这儿很棒的,尤其是在下雨天。Kawai歌舞伎很优秀。有趣的是,就算不在周末,这里人也很多。游行队伍色彩丰富,而且很热闹。孩子们很喜欢。發表日期:2019年4月12日
- Manyjennifer0 篇投稿很好玩的游乐场这里有很多表演,游戏也要排很久,每个起码都要1小时,但小朋友很喜欢,很多公仔人物在现场,影相位很多,机动游戏就很少,夜少少会少人些就好得多了。發表日期:2019年3月30日
- natalienat20180 篇投稿第一次到访人大了到这里觉得有点闷,不太适合大人独自去,用手机程式买票很方便,很快可以入场,有得整自己名贴纸不错發表日期:2019年2月12日
- HunnieBunch0 篇投稿真是个适合Hello Kitty粉丝的好地方!地方不大但很漂亮!看看你最喜欢的Sanrio卡通人物!很适合小孩,另外我也看到了一些青少年…Hello Kitty/三丽鸥最忠实的粉丝。他们有一个一天两回(我猜)的节目…我们看了早上的一场…唯一让人失望的是,所有东西都是日文的,所以我们什么都听不懂…希望他们至少有一个英语节目…但总的来说,这个地方很棒。發表日期:2019年1月15日
這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。
18 則評論
Jennifer D
11 則投稿
This experience is really a 10 out of 5 stars in terms of how magical the experience can be for you. If you love or loved Sanrio characters then this place is a must. There is so much to see and so little time to do it. I enjoyed 1 show, 1 ride, and 1 meet and greet. The rest of the time was filled exploring and having lunch. You will spend quite a bit of your time waiting in lines. For instance my wait time for my ride was estimated 45 minutes. It just depends on what makes your heart happy and then set forth and go do it!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Nigeria C
7 則投稿
2022年4月 • 家庭式
It's a GREAT place to visit. We love it. The decor is lovely, and in the bathrooms too. And the food is delicious.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
1 則投稿
Best experience ever!
Ive always been a Hello Kitty fan since i was a little girl. Going to Puroland was captivated by all the stages they have not only for HK but for her friends. Meeting her in person made my day too!
Ive always been a Hello Kitty fan since i was a little girl. Going to Puroland was captivated by all the stages they have not only for HK but for her friends. Meeting her in person made my day too!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Angela Jay
佛羅里達州墨爾本7 則投稿
2020年1月 • 好友旅行
I have been a Hello Kitty fan since I was a kid, and Puroland was absolutely amazing! It exceeded my expectations. My friends and I visited in January 2020. The staff is accommodating and helpful. We had to haul our luggage to the park because we were not checking in to our hotel yet, but for a small fee the staff will take care of your bags. There are locker rooms available, but our baggage was much too large to fit. You will need to have your bags checked for safety prior to entry.
There are four levels of the indoor park to explore. There are stairs, escalators, and elevators available. The food options are adorable and delicious. There are so many cute places to take pictures throughout the park. Great options for gifts or souvenirs, too. The whole park is extremely clean including the restrooms. One of the restrooms has incredibly themed decor (see photos below).
You get to take a photo with Hello Kitty. It does cost a small amount to purchase the photo, but it comes with a download key so you can have access to the digital copy as well.
My friends and I loved the show Miracle Gift. It is truly so well done. I would love to visit Puroland again!
There are four levels of the indoor park to explore. There are stairs, escalators, and elevators available. The food options are adorable and delicious. There are so many cute places to take pictures throughout the park. Great options for gifts or souvenirs, too. The whole park is extremely clean including the restrooms. One of the restrooms has incredibly themed decor (see photos below).
You get to take a photo with Hello Kitty. It does cost a small amount to purchase the photo, but it comes with a download key so you can have access to the digital copy as well.
My friends and I loved the show Miracle Gift. It is truly so well done. I would love to visit Puroland again!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Calgary, Canada94 則投稿
We came as a family and this is definitely the place to go if you are a sanrio lover. This place however is far from Tokyo so there will be teain changes and etc along the way.
We bought advanced tickets from klook so we were able to get in right away.
Once inside do note that English is limited so for some activities it wasn't clear what sort of tickets you needed in order to take part.
Overall though this place is recommended for kids who would enjoy taking pictures.
We bought advanced tickets from klook so we were able to get in right away.
Once inside do note that English is limited so for some activities it wasn't clear what sort of tickets you needed in order to take part.
Overall though this place is recommended for kids who would enjoy taking pictures.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
4 則投稿
We decided on the spur of the moment to visit Sanrio Puroland after seeing some pictures as we thought it would be something different. It was so absolutely amazing that we are glad we took the chance. When we arrived there was a big show and parade as soon as we entered with lots of activities and different areas to see.
We found it was very easy to reach from the train station and it was also fun walking through the local streets with the celebration of Sanrio characters everywhere.
Be sure to take your camera and embrace the kawaii!
We found it was very easy to reach from the train station and it was also fun walking through the local streets with the celebration of Sanrio characters everywhere.
Be sure to take your camera and embrace the kawaii!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Matteo C
2 則投稿
2019年11月 • 夫妻情侶
Abbiamo voluto visitare questa attrazione a Tokyo, alcuni non la consigliano, ma seppure non un fans di hello kitty, io e la Mia ragazza, abbiamo visto una parte della loro cultura straordinaria...vanno letteralmente pazzi! Animazioni musiche spettacoli veramente unici ! È un mondo magico... per cui se avete tempo una visita la farei
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Noemi C
加利福尼亞洛杉磯18 則投稿
2019年10月 • 夫妻情侶
Great purchase.
Trip Advisor price is cheaper than the gate price.
I was able to purchase advanced ticket online and exchange it for an actual ticket at the gate (to keep as souvenir)
Trip Advisor price is cheaper than the gate price.
I was able to purchase advanced ticket online and exchange it for an actual ticket at the gate (to keep as souvenir)
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Rodigro Garcia
2 則投稿
It is very convenient, on-site inspection can be directly presented to the market, no need to spend time to buy tickets, and the price is still relatively favorable
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
1 則投稿
2019年10月 • 家庭式
My 24 yr old daughter and I visited and thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment in the theater and at the parade. Both were top notch performances with amazing costumes, music, lighting, content and performers.
Gudetama’s airline was a favorite activity.
The food in the lower level wasn’t very tasty. We didn’t realize that there were multiple restaurants until we were on our way out.
We thought we’d enjoy two hours here but stayed for four.
The shopping for cute souvenirs is unlimited. Good luck!
Trip Advisor’s discounted tickets were easy to acquire online and use at the gate.
Gudetama’s airline was a favorite activity.
The food in the lower level wasn’t very tasty. We didn’t realize that there were multiple restaurants until we were on our way out.
We thought we’d enjoy two hours here but stayed for four.
The shopping for cute souvenirs is unlimited. Good luck!
Trip Advisor’s discounted tickets were easy to acquire online and use at the gate.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Do they have themed hotels?
Can anybody advise me on a plan to go there from Birmingham Alabama?
Thank you very much!!!
If I buy my e-ticket through Trip Advisor, am I able to ask for a physical ticket when I arrive? I would like to keep it as a souvenir.
Hi, will we get the e-tickets to print out after purchase? We want to make sure this price $20.34 is good and valid for August. Thanks!
We bought our Sanrio Puroland tix at the Hello Kitty Japan in Tokyo Solomachi by Tokyo Skytree - we got hours at a discounted price too- yes that $20.34 looks very good because I remembered paying around Y3000 per person .
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