

提供者:宏祥旅行社 - 台灣旅遊首選
獲 92% 旅客推薦
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  • Zhongxiao Park, No. 1, Lane 134, Section 2, Zhongxiao E Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
    團隊之旅: 出口2、地鐵中山新興站(BL14 /O07)。 請將電梯帶到地面,您的嚮導將在出口附近等候您,帶有旅遊營運商的標誌(EDISON TOURS)。 私人遊覽: 免費台北市中心酒店

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    • No. 1, Lane 134, Section 2, Zhongxiao E Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
      團隊之旅: 出口2、地鐵中山新興站(BL14 /O07)。 請將電梯帶到地面,您的嚮導將在出口附近等候您,帶有旅遊營運商的標誌(EDISON TOURS)。 私人遊覽: 免費台北市中心酒店
    • 1
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      Taipei 101
    • 宏祥旅行社 - 台灣旅遊首選
      2011年3月 加入
    • Dreamer24980167563
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
    • wendyagentforhome
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
    • jeangobell
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
      体验游览车一日游,短短12个小时从台北火车站出发到台中,去了四大文青必去景点-纸博馆、审计新村、国家歌剧院以及工家美术馆,除此之外还吃到米其林必比登推荐的新月梧桐餐厅(上海菜),让我大开眼界,没想到自己就可以规划的行程,交给旅行社来带,会有如此不一样的惊艳及感动(没比较没有伤害😂),四个景点自己就去过两个景点,但却从未认真认识景点背后的故事,不禁想写篇心得来分享。 透过经验丰富的导游介绍每个景点背后的故事,更了解在地的台中故事以及商家的故事,比起自助更多了一份感动与记忆点。像是惊艳纸博馆纸材的多样及质感、原来审计新村是省府时期审计处的宿舍,省虚级化后变成闲置废墟空间,经由台中市政府重新规划后成为青年文创天堂(最爱小牛村帽子以及旅禾泡芙)、国家歌剧院五官的设计巧思不仅是设计于馆内,更结合邻近公园与博物馆之间的空间设计装置艺术,灵活运用空间的互动关系。而歌剧院外观的曲线灵感竟来自我最爱的清酒酒杯造型,不自觉的将涵洞想像成流动的清酒🤤。 除了导游之外,更重要的是游览车驾驶的开车技术,行车安稳又不会慢,重点是驾驶很亲和,看到人总是会给你一个温温的微笑,令人安心。整个行程结合的非常完美,偶尔不用自己规划放空自己,听着经验丰富的导游说故事感觉真棒。 小确幸: 透过与导游的聊天,发现宏祥的行程经营方式与我在国外自助体验的旅游方式很像,小团制的定期观光巴士游台湾,也有客制化的深度慢游体验,认识更在地的台湾故事。这样旅游模式是自己在国外旅行时,就一直希望台湾旅行社也有的旅游经营模式,而刚好宏祥就是定期观光巴士的领头羊,没想到竟然幸运的让我碰上,虽然以前主要以接待外国游客为主,但受疫情影响的关系,也增加国内旅游的观光行程给国人参考(重点是跟一般国旅不一样,完全没有购物行程),期待推出一档环岛观光巴士,载着台湾各地的背包客一同体验深度台湾之旅,不只能听到更在地的台湾故事,还可以交到很多新朋友😁
    • Tung2400
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
      Tour Guide: John Chan
      我们的导游John Chan很专业、幽默风趣,并且非常用心的介绍沿途的风景. 每到一个景点他也都会一路陪伴着团员,遇到问题能及时为大家解决,服务很棒!
    • littlesasa
      0 篇投稿
      4.0/5 分
    • Kitty W
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
      一个人在台北游的时候参加一个当地游,去了千岛湖,坪林区的茶馆,虽然一直下烟雨,但也导游JENNY 的热心介绍途的美景👍👍
    • Eric L
      0 篇投稿
      4.0/5 分
      导游Thomas 对地方了解充足,对团员亦照顾有加。略为不足是行程短,景点少,酒店接送时由于没有明确的展示,令客人没法第一时间找到。
    • ROWNG
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
      良好的服务态度和回信速度 无时无刻都有人接电话的服务让人放心 服务人员专业并且很快的抓到客户需求 很棒。值得推荐
    • mariedesjardins
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
      霍丽在爱迪生旅行为我们安排了旅行与Howard Plaza酒店,虽然只有通过电子邮件沟通,但霍丽提供了优秀的服务并回答我的问题。酒店推荐的服务,床上用品和位置是优秀的。我们的导游伦尼也是很出色的人,让我们的旅行更愉快。强烈推荐。
    • Douglas L
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
    • allroundvoyager
      0 篇投稿
      4.0/5 分
      我的推荐是特别好的。我过去常常是自己旅行,但是这次我选择了这家旅行社来了一个岛上5日游,很推荐这家旅行社,酒店很好,唯一的不足之处是要想要单独的房间需要多交钱,所以评分从5颗星到4颗星。导游 Alan W很专业,我很感谢旅行社为我的生日特意升级的住房。真是个意想不到的惊喜。我还会参加这个旅行社的,一定
    • clairmontjeff
      0 篇投稿
      3.0/5 分
    • Susan T
      0 篇投稿
      5.0/5 分
    • Brattz86
      0 篇投稿
      3.0/5 分
    查看全部 1,217 則評論
    這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。

    4.5/5 分55 則評論

    Amber S
    1 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    2024年12月 • 夫妻情侶
    We enjoyed hearing the history about tea and the different qualities of a good tea. Amazing scenery and photo opportunities of the mountains, tea growing on the slope, tea museum, and tea tasting. We would highly recommend this trip to everyone longing to see the beautiful scenery of the lush, green countryside outside of the city and the desire to learn how to properly taste tea and experience the process. Very knowledgable tour guide!
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
    Hi. Thank you for your wonderful review! We're delighted that you had such a great time with our professional tour guide and learned a lot about tea during the tour. We look forward to having you join us again for another journey!
    這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

    Evan B
    1 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    2024年11月 • 好友旅行
    This was one of my most anticipated days out in Taipei and it did not disappoint. As a tea enjoyer, this outing was something that I was rather curious about going into, being able to see the tea cultivation, learn more about the history of tea production, and getting to do a bit of tea tasting along the way.

    To start it off we were welcomed by our tour guide Tony at the meeting point about 10 minutes early. He guided us to the tour van which had some wonderfully cushy seating. When the third guest arrived, Tony pulled out his little speaker and microphone setup and provided us a quick rundown of the schedule as we made our way.

    During the ride out we got to see some of the wonderful scenery of the outskirts of Taipei as we made our way into the mountains. During this time we noticed the driver made a wrong turn, and we watched Google maps try to redirect at this point. Tony and the driver had a bit of discussion about it that my girlfriend was able to translate, basically the two of them sounded like an old married couple. Nothing serious though as Tony was able to make the quick decision to reorganize the schedule, and we basically did things in reverse order. This was actually really good for me because it meant we got to the tea tasting earlier (caffeine has a strong reaction for me, so doing this later would've had me wired at bedtime).

    In Pinglin for both the museum and tea plantation tours, Tony was a laugh riot. On top of that, he knew his material back to front and was able to answer our questions rather quickly in English. As a native English speaker I was incredibly impressed with his vocabulary and quick wit in what would be his second language - honestly better than a fair number of native English speakers I've met.

    With our smaller group size of just 3 people, we got to the Shenkeng St. marketplace for lunch together as we tried a few Taiwan specialties. My girlfriend lives in Taiwan and was adamant about getting our new friend Michele to try stinky tofu. We had a great time with the lunch break talking about our travels and the tour and our new found love of Tony.

    After lunch we made our way through the rest of the scheduled tour. As mentioned, Tony's English was quite good but still asked us for a few more words to help him describe some of the history of the area. My personal favorite was going through the etymological history of Maokung where he was trying to learn the word 'porous' to describe the geology of the Maokung river. During the walk, Tony provided some great insight into the different temples of the area and differences in some of the edicts and belief structures of Buddhism and Daoism, while pointing out how these ideals are represented in the temple structures themselves.

    The last official part of the tour took us on the gondola ride where we got to see Taipei from the mountains and the forest underneath us as we rode in a 'crystal' cabin. Here we all got to reminisce about the tour and discuss more about the details of the modern challenges for tea farmers in Taiwan.

    We actually ended off getting dropped off outside the Raohe street market since our hotel was nearby. Tony came with us and went through even more detail of the temple outside the market, giving us a small bonus tour of the interior and lore of the temple.

    We had a great time with this tour overall and would really suggest it for those that are interested in tea culture. While it can be planned for oneself, you would miss out on Tony and his lush knowledge of the history and culture. I think the only downside of this for us was that it was overcast and slightly drizzly all day which cut down on the visuals, but that had more to do with our timing rather than any issues with the tour experience.
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

    5.0/5 分
    2024年11月 • 家庭式
    Such an amazing trip full of beautiful countryside and culture of tea making! David was an exceptional tour guide. One of the best we've had. His knowledge of tea and Taiwan's culture was exceptional. Not to mention, he was so funny! We loved everything about the tour, especially at the end with Tea masters learning how to make and drink tea. We learned so much and had a great time. We would highly recommend "David" as your tour guide!
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
    Thank you so much for your fantastic review and for recommending us to future travelers! We’re delighted to hear that David was the best tour guide you’ve ever had. Your kind words mean a lot to us, and we’re thrilled that David could make your experience so memorable. We hope to have the pleasure of hosting you on another tour in the future!
    這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

    菲律賓Northern Samar Province1 則投稿
    1.0/5 分
    2024年10月 • 夫妻情侶
    Photos are not good to display since the tour guide is not expert in taking pictures. Not worth it paying such an amount in usd. Also we were waiting outside of our hotel for more than an hour, contacting the tour agency but response late, our tour is at 8 am move to 1pm. Feel disppointed.
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
    Dear Adelina and Bernt, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We are truly sorry to hear that your experience on October 24 did not meet your expectations. To clarify, our office hours are from 08:30 to 18:00, and we received your booking at 20:41 on October 23, outside of business hours. As soon as we saw your booking on the morning of October 24, we immediately began processing it to accommodate you as best as we could. Your review helps us understand the issues our guests may face, and we are making improvements to our booking process and our response times to better serve future guests. Thank you once again for your feedback, and we hope to have the opportunity to provide you with a more enjoyable experience in the future.
    這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

    Daniel Bustamante
    佛羅里達州邁阿密171 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    Very magical Tour, tea Ceremony is just magical, the lake with Plantations is super Beautiful.
    Guide very nice & knowledgeable 😊
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
    It sounds like you had a truly enchanting experience! The combination of a magical tea ceremony and the stunning scenery of the lake and plantations must have been breathtaking. It’s wonderful to hear that your guide was both knowledgeable and kind, adding even more depth to the experience. Thank you for sharing your memorable journey!
    這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

    Emily R
    3 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    This was an excellent tour! I am traveling solo and booked a private tour. The lake was beautiful and I loved seeing all of the tea trees. The tea ceremony was so fun and I learned so much about tea and Taiwanese culture. Kiara was my guide and she was so lovely! She answered all 1000 of my questions and gave me SO MANY useful recommendations for the rest of my trip. I highly recommend booking this!
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

    Stu D
    1 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    Lovely tour and site seeing activity. Jenny brings great energy and humour as well as being very knowledgeable!

    A lovely afternoon.

    Thank you!
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

    Richard T
    12 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    2024年9月 • 單獨旅行
    Extremely great... a lot of walking but not too intense ...learned more and respect tea culture more now . Well.planned tour and great insights
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

    18 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    2024年7月 • 單獨旅行
    Our guide, Khiara, was so kind and lovely, and she really made this trip for me! I had only just landed in Taiwan, and this was my first tour. Khiara was friendly, warm and helpful, explaining the different sites knowledgeably and making us all feel at ease. She took pictures of us and cooled us down with her magic anti-heat spray- what a wonderful lady! A great tour, really beautiful and scenic, and a lovely, helpful, knowledgeable guide!
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
    Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We're glad you had a great time with our guide and appreciated her enthusiasm, knowledge, and thoughtful behavior during the tour. We look forward to serving you again on your next journey to Taiwan.
    這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

    Fiona W
    39 則投稿
    5.0/5 分
    2024年6月 • 單獨旅行
    I had a great and relaxing time learning about the history of Taiwan and their tea. Our tour guide was a lovely old man who was very informative and helpful. We took a leisurely stroll to view the Thousand Island lake and some tea plantations. Then we went to a tea shop to enjoy some tea. It was fascinating to learn about tea and its fermentation process, how to prepare the tea and how to drink the tea. We then went to the Pinglin Tea Musuem which was educational and interesting. Some of the art pieces had no English translation so our tour guide was wonderful for explaining it to us. Overall, it was a nice and slow paced tour.
    這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
    Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful experience on our "Thousand Island Lake and Pinglin Tea Plantation from Taipei"! We're happy to know that you enjoyed learning about Taiwanese tea history and culture with our knowledgeable guide.
    這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

    顯示第 110 頁結果 (共 55 頁)
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    來自台北的千島湖和坪林茶園, 中正區

    中正區的Spa 與養生中正區的遊樂場