提供者:ABC Tours Aruba
甚麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會將 Travellers' Choice 大獎頒予持續獲得旅客好評,並在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
3-99 歲,每團最多 160 人
所需時間: 8 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
即時指南:英文, 荷蘭文, 西班牙文
- 越野遊覽讓您可以參觀無法駕車的景點
- 包括熱門的阿魯巴島景點,如嬰兒海灘和天然泳池
- 搭乘豪華座椅的4x4路虎
- 您可以在水中使用浮潛裝備
- 結合導遊體驗和自由時間探索自己
Travellers' Choice 至尊獎
- 認證當地導遊
- 冰水 - 帶上可重複使用的瓶子來補充
- 正宗的自製燒烤午餐
不提供- 小費
- 酒店接送
- 阿里科克國家公園 - 收費 $22 PP
- 自然泳池 門票
- Fontein Cave 門票
- 與您的導遊會面,聽取快速安全簡報,然後乘坐路虎大篷車出發,專為在阿魯巴島崎嶇的地形中穿行而設計,同時讓您在加墊座椅上保持舒適。 在加州燈塔、金磨坊遺址和天然橋等景點拍照留念。停下來拍張照片並從導遊那裡了解每個地方。 繼續前往 Arikok 國家公園參觀天然泳池,這是一片只有越野車才能進入的水域。花些時間游泳和浮潛,然後跳回您的車並前往嬰兒海灘,這是一個以平靜和淺水而聞名的海岸。花空閒時間享受兒童友好的海灘。這次旅行的中途還包括燒烤午餐。 您的阿魯巴島越野之旅以在 Alto Vista 教堂和紀念所有海員的錨點停留拍照而結束。
- 出發地點:
- ABC Tours Aruba, Schotlandstraat 61, Oranjestad, Aruba如果您在我們的辦公室與我們會面,請在上午 8:00/下午 1:30 之前到達
結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 不設無障礙設施
如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:6841ISLAND- 您將於預訂時收到確認訊息
- 患有背部疾病的旅客不宜參加
- 懷孕旅客不宜參加
- 患有心臟疾病或其他嚴重疾病的旅客不宜參加
- 適合擁有良好體格的旅客參加
- 建議您攜帶毛巾,泳衣,更換衣服和駕駛執照
- 不能接受嘉年華遊輪的乘客
- 請在我們的辦公室與我們會面出發。本次遊覽的集合時間為上午 7:45。
- 如果您與團體一起旅行,您需要為每個人預訂一次,以確保您在一起
- 如果您是搭乘遊輪前來,我們需要收到通知
- Arikok National Park 費用不包含 - 每人將收取額外 $22 於入住時
- 此項體驗必須在天氣良好的情況下進行。 如果體驗因天氣惡劣而被取消,您可更改預訂日期,或收取全額退款
- 此遊覽團/活動的旅客人數上限為 160 人
- 如欲全額退款,請提前於體驗開始日期的至少 24 小時前作出取消。
- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:6841ISLAND
- Schotlandstraat 61, Oranjestad, Aruba如果您在我們的辦公室與我們會面,請在上午 8:00/下午 1:30 之前到達
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- 8途徑Wariruri Beach
- Tracysue12350 篇投稿Very nice trio, highly recommend很好,路线安排合理,带队的工作人员都很热情友善。上午去看了自然桥,午饭做的也很不错,下午去了天然泳池。很充实的一天,非常推荐。發表日期:2021年12月9日
- fiona1988520 篇投稿很贴心的服务,玩的很愉快也很难忘的回忆出发前好几次都透过EMAIL联系确认细节,员工非常有耐心,且回答的详细,让我所有的担心与疑问都有了解答。很贴心的服务,玩的很愉快也很难忘的回忆。会再次造访此地。發表日期:2018年7月20日
- Alison F0 篇投稿4小时的水下电视冒险之旅我们是根据旅行顾问的评论才预订这次旅行的,而且绝对没有感到失望,这次旅行真的是很精彩!旅行里拥有这么多的乐趣,而且这是一种很棒的方式去参观阿鲁巴岛!我们的导游安德鲁很棒、见闻广博,使得我们的这次旅行真的很有趣。这样一个地方我们肯定会推荐的,而且我们想从头再来玩一次!發表日期:2017年6月29日
- lynnccsd0 篇投稿选择了ABC旅行社观光,沙滩休闲外加洞穴探险旅行很棒!我们的导游兼司机Hugo知识渊博,为人很风趣!他非常了解这座岛屿的历史以及如今的情况。Hugo带我们在分配时间内尽可能地带我们去了很多景点,不仅仅是旅程中特定的景点。他还以一个内行人的身份给我们介绍了当地的餐厅和商店。旅程中包含的午餐很好吃,多得我们有些人都吃不完。我们一家人一共5人,3代人里最大的79岁,最小的6岁,而且这是我们第一次来阿鲁巴岛,希望不是最后一次!我们一定会再选择ABC旅行社,尤其是如果Hugo是我们的导游的话!發表日期:2017年6月10日
- JML29760 篇投稿与乔凡尼和吉尔伯特美好的一天我们与乔凡尼和吉尔伯特度过了异乎寻常的一天(3-25-15)。他们很专业,友好,见多识广,带给我们一次很棒的阿鲁巴旅程。發表日期:2015年3月25日
- Darlene C0 篇投稿超棒的小岛之行我,我先生,哥哥还有嫂子刚刚从阿鲁巴呆了一个周回来。我们的导游叫做Hugo,我们跟着他一起驾车六个小时来到这边。这次经历真的让我们相当难忘!!!我们吉普车中的一行人都这么棒,而且真的挺有意思的。Hugo一直在逗我们开心,我真的推荐大家去找他做导游。沙漠中的越野车之行都让我们笑到流泪!我们看到了美得让人窒息的海景,还有自制的桥梁,另外还在美丽的童海滩那边玩耍,在Waka Waka吃了一顿很棒的午餐。整个行程都非常超值,我们恨不得马上就回去。發表日期:2012年10月17日
- Danielle T0 篇投稿完美蜜月行!很喜爱这次8小时的游览,很棒。Hugo和Rose全程都和组员在一起。Hugo是个喜剧演员,不仅能充当你的私人摄影师,还会为你解决一切疑问。他让游览变得有趣,尤其是越野时。全天游览中你会看到9个景点,走过整个岛屿。一次令人愉悦的冒险之旅。我们强烈推荐这家旅行公司。哦,对啦,提供的午餐超棒,会去Waka Waka餐厅吃烤鸡肉和肋骨!我和丈夫都很喜欢!再次感谢Hugo和Rose!:D發表日期:2012年10月17日
- Christopher P0 篇投稿参加吧,要坚持住!我和我妻子Arleen来这度蜜月的,在走前向参加些短途旅行,在看了到到网后我们选择了这个,记得要涂防晒,带泳衣,把首饰什么的都放家,有个新郎就把饰带掉水里,幸亏水比较清,他妻子发现了。 我们选了Natural Pool旅行,导游Marshall非常棒,我们和其他人会合,然后看了些景点比如gold ruins,natural bridge(2005年才有的),还有 natural pool。我们还玩了潜游,看见了很多海洋生物,比如鱼,海胆,章鱼和很多珊瑚。路上有点颠簸,但是这才够真是,坐的是路虎,所以还比较舒服的。我们还看了北部荒芜如沙漠的地貌。Marshall还帮我们照相呢,让我们很感动,在回去的飞机上,我们还飞过了natural pool,很高兴我们报了这个旅行,认识了这么多的人。下次再来的时候我们还会参加的,这个旅行价钱也合理,所以参加吧,要坚持住。记得要参加Marshall的团。發表日期:2012年10月17日
- vesslastoat0 篇投稿完美的阿鲁巴岛一日游整个行程的时间为一天,几乎能看完整个小岛。如果他们需要额外的司机,而你又喜欢手排挡像越野车那种款的车的话,这是个超棒的练手的机会哦。他们会带着游客去所有的至高点,而阿鲁巴的确有好多一流的高地。在每个地点导游都会向你介绍相关历史,导游是Eduardo 和Rose,他俩的工作堪称完美。绝对找不出比他俩更好的人了。两人都很风趣,亲切迷人,体贴周到,乐于助人,见识渊博。旅程趣味十足,物超所值。如果你想探寻阿鲁巴岛的秘密,那我极力向你推荐这个观光。發表日期:2012年10月17日
- BILL R0 篇投稿超棒的小岛之旅我和妻子都参与了到小岛西岸的吉普车之旅。我们玩得很开心。我们的导游Jelle知识渊博而且很风趣。如果你来阿鲁巴岛的话,我强烈推荐这里,记得要Jelle做你的导游。發表日期:2012年10月16日
這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。
6,433 則評論
5 則投稿
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侶
Rey and Bogo were the best guides for this excursion. Very knowledgeable, professional and funny at every stop. We would highly recommend ABC Tours Aurba, especially Rey and Bogo. You will not be disappointed. At our designated lunch stop, we had an excellent experience with server Jellybean. She treated us just like her own family. Thanks for going the extra mile, Bogo, in retrieving my husband's cap😎
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Stacey S
1 則投稿
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侶
Rey, Bogo & Jellybean made the experience and day a delight. We had so much fun, their energy & tips on how to make our excursion even better. Thank you, we had a great time.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Melbourne201 則投稿
We did the ultimate tour in January 2025 and had an awesome day with our driver Marc, as well as Donnie and Brian as the other leaders of the other 2 trucks. They made for a great atmosphere, were very approachable and easygoing. Overall, the tour was well worth the cost and an awesome experience to see so much of the island in a day. A number of the stops, the church, California lighthouse, and others have vendors selling cold drinks, smoothies etc so you can fuel up during the day.
We parked next to ABC office at the hotel and then waited for Marc to pick up some folks staying at a hotel. The tour started around the 8:30am as they said. We had four other people on our truck so we were comfy on space as it could have fit two more. The morning led to a number of beautiful sights and experiences all around the island and none were too crowded. Then we went back to the ABC office for lunch where we could pay extra for drinks. I had the grouper which was slightly underdone but good. I’d recommend the Balashi Magic Mango beer if you want to try something local, and had lunch with Jellybean as our server.
The afternoon brought trips to the Natural Pool which was cool to experience but crowded so temper your expectations. Then to the Fontein Cave which was really cool to see the indigenous paintings and hear the excellent National park guide provide his tour. Finally the baby beach was awesome and Donnie led an excellent snorkeling drift tour which I would highly recommend. However some people clearly had not snorkeled or had little experience and were stepping on coral and bumping into it, so I wish they had given more warning about being careful not to step on or touch the corals. We then had 10-15 minutes left at baby beach which was nice but just like a big pool. Then back to the ABC office and we arrived around 5:30pm so be aware you may be later than expected.
We parked next to ABC office at the hotel and then waited for Marc to pick up some folks staying at a hotel. The tour started around the 8:30am as they said. We had four other people on our truck so we were comfy on space as it could have fit two more. The morning led to a number of beautiful sights and experiences all around the island and none were too crowded. Then we went back to the ABC office for lunch where we could pay extra for drinks. I had the grouper which was slightly underdone but good. I’d recommend the Balashi Magic Mango beer if you want to try something local, and had lunch with Jellybean as our server.
The afternoon brought trips to the Natural Pool which was cool to experience but crowded so temper your expectations. Then to the Fontein Cave which was really cool to see the indigenous paintings and hear the excellent National park guide provide his tour. Finally the baby beach was awesome and Donnie led an excellent snorkeling drift tour which I would highly recommend. However some people clearly had not snorkeled or had little experience and were stepping on coral and bumping into it, so I wish they had given more warning about being careful not to step on or touch the corals. We then had 10-15 minutes left at baby beach which was nice but just like a big pool. Then back to the ABC office and we arrived around 5:30pm so be aware you may be later than expected.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
喬治亞州泰碧島15 則投稿
Absolutely great guide Rayan. Very active and engaging. Loved the landscape and trails. Not for faint hearted if you can’t handle rough roads.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Tracey D
3 則投稿
Very fun. Curt did an awesome job of taking care of us and was very knowledgable about every place we stopped. A great way to see the whole island. Caution if you get car sick easily or have a bad back. This is a Jeep excursion, going to places you can only get to with 4x4. Highly recommend.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
irma v
11 則投稿
2025年1月 • 家庭式
We really wanted one tour to help us see a lot of the island and this was it! So many stops, just the right amount of time at each one. We never felt rushed or that we stayed too long in one area. Each place was absolutely beautiful and our tour guide - Big G was fantastic. Helped us learn a ton about the island and was always offering to take photos of my family. Jelly bean was also great at the restaurant - food was delicious. Truly an awesome day - HIGHLY recommend this tour!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Joseph A
2 則投稿
2025年1月 • 家庭式
The Experience was amazing! A fun packed day where you experience some of the islands best treasures! Our Guide Kurt was amazing and our whole group energized and ready to explore. Would definitely book this again and I am going to recommend this to any friends who plan on visiting in the futures!
PSA: If bumpy car rides get you sick, this may not be the trip for you!
PSA: If bumpy car rides get you sick, this may not be the trip for you!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Anssi L
1 則投稿
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侶
Amazing view and really nice service. Thanks to Danny our guide and thanks to Yellybean for serving lunch. It was lot of fun.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Amanda S
2 則投稿
2025年1月 • 家庭式
Beautiful island and so diverse! This is my 2nd tour with ABC and it did not disappoint! Nice surprise to have a fish pedicure, it was fantastic!. Big D was our tour guide, very nice guy and very informative about the Island and all of it's points of interest. Took pictures for everyone too! Shout out to our lunch hostess Jelly Beans as well. Food was phenomenal!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
5 則投稿
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侶
The entire day was fantastic led by our tour guide Johna! He was knowledgeable and fun during our entire tour. From check in at ABC Tours to lunch at the end of the tour everything was Five Star! Highly recommend and thanks to Johna for making it such a great day!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Yes, pick up and drop off at no additional charge. Ask for Donnie to be your guide, he is awesome.
Is this off road traveling truly extremely bumpy? Sounds so enjoyable other than the body jarring. Should someone with neck issues & fused disc's not try it?
One leg of our trip was jarring on the full day jeep tour. It was the last piece to the natural pool in the park. I'd call and see what they recommend. 85% was smooth!
Yes, you can do this tour alone. You don’t have to worry about a driver’s license with this tour because your guide is also your driver. All you do is sit back and enjoy the adventure!
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