

甚麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會將 Travellers' Choice 大獎頒予持續獲得旅客好評,並在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
在這個從拉斯維加斯出發的充滿活力的一日遊中探索大峽谷西緣,這是大自然愛好者和初次遊客的絕佳選擇。搭乘長途巴士前往峽谷後,在途中經停胡佛水壩,您將搭乘直升機從邊緣下方到達峽谷底部,並在 20 分鐘內降落。然後返回西緣,在 Guano Point 停留並享用午餐。升級即可添加大峽谷天空步道。

2-99 歲,每團最多 56 人
所需時間: 12 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況

  • 在大峽谷的西緣度過 4 小時
  • 活動包裝旅遊適合首次訪客
  • 從鳥糞點觀看大峽谷和科羅拉多河
  • 大多數拉斯維加斯酒店都提供無憂的往返交通服務
  • 在去大峽谷的路上停在胡佛水壩

  • 豪華汽車教練用大型觀景窗運輸
  • 大峽谷西緣穿梭巴士
  • 乘坐直升機在科羅拉多河附近降落 20 分鐘
  • 在大峽谷享用午餐
  • 大多數拉斯維加斯大道飯店的飯店接送服務
  • 瓶裝水
  • 天空步道門票(如果選擇了選項)
  • 大峽谷西 門票
  • Eagle Point 門票
  • Colorado River 門票
  • Guano Point 門票
  • 小費
  • 天空步道門票(如果未選擇選項)

您的早晨將從乘坐空調巴士從拉斯維加斯酒店出發,並在胡佛水壩和米德湖短暫停留拍照。 抵達大峽谷國家公園後,巴士會將您送到峽谷西緣,您將有 4 小時的時間遊覽目的地。登上直升機,下降 4,000 英尺(1,200 公尺)的峽谷底部,您可以在浩瀚的科羅拉多河畔享受 20 分鐘的自由活動時間。 接下來搭乘直升機返回峽谷西緣,然後搭乘接駁車前往瓜諾角 (Guano Point),鳥瞰大峽谷和科羅拉多河。 然後您有足夠的時間在 Eagle Point 停留,參觀 Hualapai 村莊並享用午餐。遊覽結束後,返回巴士並在拉斯維加斯的酒店下車,結束您的旅程。 此行程提供可選升級,可添加玻璃底大峽谷天空步道。

    • 您必須通過聯繫 採購後直接供應商。未能確認確切的接送時間和地點可以 導致您錯過您的旅行,並且對於錯過的接送將不予退款。

        • 設有無障礙設施
        • 適合使用嬰兒車
        • 嬰兒必須由成人手抱
        • 交通工具設有無障礙設施
        如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:3951HELIBOAT

        • 您將於預訂時收到確認訊息
        • 大多數旅客均可參加
        • 23個月及以下的嬰兒被認為是一個小孩。如果購買Skywalk門票,嬰兒必須在Skywalk上攜帶。
        • 2歲及以上的兒童需要座位
        • 成人定價適用於所有乘客
        • 可以容納可折疊輪椅,前提是乘客可以幫助他們登上和下車。
        • 搭乘電梯的巴士視供應情況而定,可能無法使用。如果需要搭乘電梯的巴士,則需提前三天通知,並且必須在預訂後立即聯繫當地旅行社以確認您的要求。
        • 汽車教練是氣候控制的,配有衛生間,可躺式座椅,視頻監控器和超大窗戶
        • 在峽谷的總時間約為4個小時,這取決於您如何度過時間(例如:直升機,輪船或空中步道)。
        • 請注意,由於天氣或客流量的原因,任何地點或景點都可能有等待期
        • 酒店接送服務適用於此旅遊/活動。請注意:根據酒店的不同,巴士可能無法進入或進入每家酒店。在這種情況下,皮卡可能會被重定向到中央巴士站或附近的酒店。在與當地旅行社重新確認後,將向客人提供確切的取件詳情。
        • 此項體驗必須在天氣良好的情況下進行。 如果體驗因天氣惡劣而被取消,您可更改預訂日期,或收取全額退款
        • 此遊覽團/活動的旅客人數上限為 56 人

        • 如欲全額退款,請提前於體驗開始日期的至少 24 小時前作出取消。

        已於 2021年4月 回答
        已於 2021年4月 回答
        請務必在出發日期前 24-72 小時撥打憑證上的電話號碼,以確認您的確切接送時間和地點。
        已於 2021年4月 回答
        是的,2 歲以下的兒童可以作為膝上兒童免費參加。
        已於 2021年4月 回答

        如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:3951HELIBOAT



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        • 拉斯維加斯格雷線觀光巴士之旅
          2006年8月 加入
        • zenyg512
          0 篇投稿
          1.0/5 分
        • Lpweatherford
          0 篇投稿
          1.0/5 分
          我女儿在去大峡谷南岸之前就生病了。我们被告知“没问题”后乘车返回酒店,希望能在2天内再次出发。由于我女儿感觉不舒服,我打电话给Grey Line Tours取消了预订,并和约翰·普莱斯通了电话,他在电话里冲我大喊大叫,说由于我们没有医生证明我的女儿生病了,因此不会给我们退款。那天早上,又有几个员工目睹我女儿的病情,特意来照顾我们。该网站声称“24小时内轻松取消”,但实际上并不简单。完全缺乏同情心和人的尊严。
        查看全部 5,881 則評論
        這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。

        4.0/5 分139 則評論

        此服務可能包含由 Google 提供的翻譯。 Google 並不提供任何與翻譯有關的明示或暗示保證 (包括對準確性和可靠性的保證),亦不對適銷性、適用於特定用途和不侵權提供任何暗示保證。

        roberto carlos d
        7 則投稿
        2.0/5 分
        The instructions at the start were confusing, the driver was late and we had to wait more than an hour for a person who never arrived, the visiting times were very short for eagle point and guano point. We had to eat in 10 minutes so we could take advantage of the times.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear 16roberto, Thank you for being a Gray Line customer and we are sorry that we missed your sightseeing expectations. Normally the approximately four hours that our tours are at the West Rim are more than enough time for guests to do everything they want at the West Rim. Unfortunately, just like most of the world's tourism attractions, on certain days everything is just busier than normal. We are sorry that this affected your enjoyment of this amazing place. The West Rim of the Grand Canyon is on the tribal reservation of the Hualapai Nation, a native American tribe. Just as Disney operates all venues & attractions at Disney World, the Hualapai Nation are the operators of everything within their Tribal lands. We will pass along the guest comments regarding long lines to them. Occasionally, guests ask us why we don't provide them with notice of issues the day before, or during the trip out to the West Rim. The simple answer is that the Hualapai Nation does not require advance reservations for either groups or individuals and do not have a way of forecasting West Rim attendance in advance. Since they cannot notify us, we cannot notify our guests. Sincerely, Michael S. / GL Vegas Customer Service
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        墨西哥墨西哥城2 則投稿
        2.0/5 分
        They only give you 4 hours for everything and we lost almost an hour to get our skywalk passes. The helicopter ride was the best and then in the hoover dam you get 20 minutes and to go up see and down is a very short time because just going up takes that time. Everything is very tight and always pressed for time and you run with little time
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear ALEJAND, Thank you for being a Gray Line customer and we are sorry for missing your sightseeing expectations, yet we are happy that you were able to enjoy the bird's eye view of the Grand Canyon that you can only get as a helicopter descends & ascends nearly 4000 feet through the Canyon. Only a small percentage of visitors to the Grand Canyon ever get to visit the bottom of the Canyon and see the sheer size of the Canyon walls. Normally the four hours that our tours are at the West Rim are more than enough time for guests to do everything they want at the West Rim. Unfortunately, just like most of the world's tourism attractions, on certain days everything is just busier than normal. We are sorry that this affected your enjoyment of this amazing place. The West Rim of the Grand Canyon is on the tribal reservation of the Hualapai Nation, a native American tribe. Just as Disney operates all venues & attractions at Disney World, the Hualapai Nation are the operators of everything within their Tribal lands. We will pass along your comments about long lines to them. In closing, I want to once again apologize for missing your expectations and I want to wish you all the best in your future travels. Sincerely, Michael S. / GL Vegas Customer Service
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Susan B
        1 則投稿
        3.0/5 分
        2024年11月 • 好友旅行
        We where picked up from hotel got on the bus to find we could not sit next to our partners. When we booked we thought we where going on a luxury bus but it was tired and noisy..we thought breakfast and lunch where included but no only lunch..hoover dam visit quite short..helicopter ride was amazing lunch was ok..travelled back to hotel it took over 2 hours to get through the traffic in Las vegas to get hotel..for the price we paid I feel it was not worth the £370 pp we paid
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear susanbH, Thank you for having chosen Gray Line and we are sorry for missing your sightseeing expectations. All of the coaches used by Gray Line are late model coaches that are maintained to the highest industry standards. Our Hoover Dam stop is advertised as a photo stop, not a full-on sightseeing experience. We do offer Hoover Dam excursions for guests seeking that experience. We are happy to hear that you enjoyed the bird's eye view of the Grand Canyon that you can only get when you descend nearly 4000 feet from the top of the Canyon to the bottom. This is, of course, the most costly part of your excursion and we are happy to hear that you enjoyed it In closing, I want to once again apologize for missing your sightseeing expectations, and I want to wish you all the best in your future travel endeavors. Regards, Michael S. / GL Vegas Customer Service.
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Teresa F
        1 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        2024年12月 • 夫妻情侶
        This was a great experience for me and my partner, first time in las vegas and this tour was amazing. Our tour guide Derek was so informative and made us laugh which was amazing.
        We highly recommend anyone wanting to book this tour, you won't be disappointed.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello K7156XKt, Thank you for leaving Gray Line such a nice 5-star review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your day with us and our driver/guide Derek. Since 1910 the Gray Line family of nearly 200 worldwide sightseeing companies have been seeking out the best guides in every destination we serve, so it's nice to know our guide did such a great job and had great suggestions. On behalf of everyone at Gray Line around the globe, I want you to know that we all hope to see you on another adventure sometime very soon. Regards, Michael S / GL Vegas Customer Services
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Bere L
        9 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        Great! Great experience you should not miss! Our wonderful guide Mike! Great views of a stunning place
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello Bere L, Thank you for leaving Gray Line such a nice 5-star review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your day with us and our driver/guide. Since 1910 the Gray Line family of nearly 200 worldwide sightseeing companies have been seeking out the best guides in every destination we serve, so it's nice to know our guide did such a great job and had great suggestions. On behalf of everyone at Gray Line around the globe, I want you to know that we all hope to see you on another adventure sometime very soon. Regards, Michael S / GL Vegas Customer Services
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Hayley M
        1 則投稿
        1.0/5 分
        2024年11月 • 夫妻情侶
        Not a great service booked Grand Canyon, skywalk and helicopter as a package but was not able to do all three due to the limited time at Grand Canyon/timing of the helicopter ride
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear Hayley, Thank you for being a Gray Line customer and we are sorry that you felt rushed during your time at the Grand Canyon's West Rim. We are sorry that you felt your helicopter flight was timed poorly, , yet we are happy that you were able to enjoy the bird's eye view of the Grand Canyon that you can only get as a helicopter descends & ascends nearly 4000 feet through the Canyon. Only a small percentage of visitors to the Grand Canyon ever get to visit the bottom of the Canyon and see the sheer size of the Canyon walls. Normally the nearly four hours that our tours are at the West Rim are more than enough time for guests to do everything they want at the West Rim. Unfortunately, just like most of the world's tourism attractions, on certain days everything is just busier than normal. We are sorry that this affected your enjoyment of this amazing place. The West Rim of the Grand Canyon is on the tribal reservation of the Hualapai Nation, a native American tribe. Just as Disney operates all venues & attractions at Disney World, the Hualapai Nation are the operators of everything within their Tribal lands. We will pass along your comments about long lines to them. In closing, we want to wish you all the best in your future travels. Sincerely, Michael S. / GL Vegas Customer Service
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Eric W
        卡羅萊納州Wake Forest6 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        Taka, our tour guide had the wisdom and experience to keep us ahead of the other tours. This saved time and greatly improved the quality of our time! Highly recommend and give big ups to Taka!!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello E4117BVe, Thank you for leaving Gray Line such a nice 5-star review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your day with us and our driver/guide Taka. Since 1910 the Gray Line family of nearly 200 worldwide sightseeing companies have been seeking out the best guides in every destination we serve, so it's nice to know our guide did such a great job and had great suggestions. On behalf of everyone at Gray Line around the globe, I want you to know that we all hope to see you on another adventure sometime very soon. Regards, Michael S / GL Vegas Customer Services
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Esther M
        50 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        Pick up was smooth and easy, knowledgeable driver and tour guide (Terrance) that got us to the Grand Canyon safely. Would highly recommend if you want to see the Grand Canyon and are staying in Vegas!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello Ewm500, Thank you for leaving Gray Line such a nice 5-star review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your day with us and our driver/guide Terrance. Since 1910 the Gray Line family of nearly 200 worldwide sightseeing companies have been seeking out the best guides in every destination we serve, so it's nice to know our guide did such a great job and had great suggestions. On behalf of everyone at Gray Line around the globe, I want you to know that we all hope to see you on another adventure sometime very soon. Regards, Michael S / GL Vegas Customer Services
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Kristal F
        1 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        2024年10月 • 家庭式
        The West Rim Tour with Helicopter ride was amazing! Gray Line Tours had the most amazing driver, Dwain! He was extremely knowledgeable about Nevada, Arizona, the Grand Canyon and other aspects about the area. He was prompt, he set guidelines and timelines so all of us would have the best experience possible. He was also very funny which made this tour a great experience!!! Thank you Dwain and Gray Line Tours for making this experience one that me and my family will remember always!!! God Bless
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello 173krista, Thank you for leaving Gray Line such a nice 5-star review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your day with us and our driver/guide Duane. Since 1910 the Gray Line family of nearly 200 worldwide sightseeing companies have been seeking out the best guides in every destination we serve, so it's nice to know our guide did such a great job and had great suggestions. On behalf of everyone at Gray Line around the globe, I want you to know that we all hope to see you on another adventure sometime very soon. Regards, Michael S / GL Vegas Customer Services
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Albert A
        1 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        2024年10月 • 單獨旅行
        One of the most amazing things I have ever done in my life.
        Totally amazing and if I ever make it back to the USA will be on top of my list to do it again.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hi W6540B, Thank you for leaving Gray Line such a nice 5-star review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your day with us and our driver/guide. Since 1910 the Gray Line family of nearly 200 worldwide sightseeing companies have been seeking out the best guides in every destination we serve, so it's nice to know our guide did such a great job and had great suggestions. On behalf of everyone at Gray Line around the globe, I want you to know that we all hope to see you on another adventure sometime very soon. Regards, Michael S / GL Vegas Customer Services
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        顯示第 110 頁結果 (共 139 頁)
        *即將售罄: 根據 Viator 在過去 30 天內向提供商取得的預訂資料和資訊,此透過 Tripadvisor 子公司 Viator 販售的體驗可能即將售罄。

        大峽谷西緣巴士之旅(含直升機遊覽和餐飲), 拉斯維加斯
