甚麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會將 Travellers' Choice 大獎頒予持續獲得旅客好評,並在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
2-99 歲,每團最多 77 人
所需時間: 15 至 16 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 受過專業培訓的單獨踏步導遊
- 大多數酒店或附近的酒店接送服務
- 附設廁所
- 入場費
- 注重安全的巴士司機 - 無司機指南
- 瓶裝水
- 空調汽車
- Grand Canyon National Park 門票
- Mather Point 門票
- Hopi House 門票
- Bright Angel Point 門票
不提供- 可選步行遊覽(如果未選擇選項)
- 晚餐
- 早餐(如果未選擇該選項)
- 這次大峽谷國家公園之旅從選擇拉斯維加斯的酒店開始。登上舒適的巴士後,乘坐舒適的巴士前往國家公園。 您的旅行包括早餐小吃、午餐和瓶裝水,讓您為這次激動人心的冒險充滿活力。在亞利桑那州塞利格曼的 66 號公路停留,這是購買紀念品的絕佳機會。 在大峽谷國家公園,您的巴士會繞過入口處的擁擠人群,帶您前往馬瑟角。如果您願意的話,您可以乘坐從馬瑟角到天使旅館的巴士,或者步行一小段距離。 在返回維加斯的路上,您可以在亞利桑那州金曼的世界著名漢堡餐廳享受舒適的停留(自費),然後送您返回出發點。
- 出發地點:提供多個接送地點。接送詳細資料
- 從以下地點接客: •南角:(旅遊巴士大廳、東入口、外面代客泊車) •坎昆:(遊覽繁忙的大廳、主入口) •Excalibur:(旅遊巴士大廳/巴士圓形大廳,飯店南側) •亞歷克西斯公園:(主入口左側) •Hard Rock:(旅遊巴士大廳,主入口,代客泊車旁) •奧爾良:(旅遊巴士大廳,東入口,代客泊車旁) •波羅大樓:(參觀繁忙的大廳、主入口) •好萊塢星球:(旅遊巴士大廳,下層) •黃金海岸:(東入口,戶外代客泊車) •Aria:(旅遊巴士大廳,下層) •華爾道夫飯店:(旅遊巴士大廳,代客泊車旁) •拉斯維加斯大都會飯店:(旅遊巴士大廳,正門) •Bally's:(旅遊巴士大廳,北入口面向火烈鳥路) •凱撒宮:(旅遊巴士大廳,主入口) •Palazzo/Venetian:(下層,旅遊接送區-金沙會展中心/地面交通) •金銀島:(飯店南側海妖灣的旅遊巴士大廳) •Wynn/Encore:(巴士環路)/(巴士上客站、正門) •川普飯店:(旅遊巴士大廳、正門) •馬戲團馬戲團:(旅遊巴士大廳,主入口靠近馬戲團馬戲團標誌) •Westgate:(旅遊巴士大廳,Joe Brown Blvd 東入口) •平流層:(旅遊巴士大廳,北入口自助餐旁) •Golden Nugget:(西入口第一街旅遊巴士大廳,停車場對面) 其他飯店接送服務可能適用於較大的團體。 為了最大限度地延長您在大峽谷的停留時間,我們從拉斯維加斯大道和市中心或其附近的精選酒店提供接客服務。您輸入的接載地點將用作參考,以便我們為您分配距離您入住的飯店或地址最近的接載點。您可能會被要求步行到飯店附近的飯店,以盡量減少接送地點,以便盡快開始旅行。 接載時間安排在上午 5:00 至 6:00 之間,視您指定的接載地點而定。完整的接送詳細資訊將在旅行前一天晚上 8 點或之前發送給您。 請注意: 我們強烈建議不要在旅行當天晚上預訂任何演出或晚餐,因為交通或天氣狀況等許多不同的情況可能會導致比預期晚返回維加斯。我們對錯過演出、門票預訂等不承擔任何責任。
提供飯店接送服務結帳期間,您將可從包含在內的飯店清單中選擇。結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 不設無障礙設施
- 適合使用嬰兒車
- 與服務性動物同行
- 嬰兒必須由成人手抱
- 提供嬰兒座椅
如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:18262P1- 您將於預訂時收到確認訊息
- 成人價格適用於所有旅客,因為價格取決於座位佔用情況
- 大多數旅客均可參加
- 我們確實允許將普通尺寸的背包放在您的座位下方。不允許攜帶手提箱或行李。
- 此項體驗必須在天氣良好的情況下進行。 如果體驗因天氣惡劣而被取消,您可更改預訂日期,或收取全額退款
- 此項體驗有最低旅客人數限制。 如果體驗因未達最低人數要求而被取消,您可更改預訂日期/改為預訂另一項體驗,或收取全額退款
- 此遊覽團/活動的旅客人數上限為 77 人
- 如欲全額退款,請提前於體驗開始日期的至少 24 小時前作出取消。
- 我應該提前多久預訂大峽谷國家公園巴士之旅?
- 建議您在確定旅行日期後立即進行預訂,尤其是在熱門和季節性日期期間。大多數旅行都有容量限制,並且越接近日期,就越有可能售罄。已於 2021年8月 回答
- 大峽谷國家公園巴士之旅有年齡限制嗎?
- 不可以,但是請記住,這是一個全日遊,因此您的孩子應該能夠應付長時間的旅行。已於 2021年8月 回答
- 我如何安排大峽谷國家公園巴士之旅的接送服務?
- 大多數主要的拉斯維加斯酒店都提供往返交通服務。請在結賬時選擇合適的酒店。請務必在出發前至少 24 小時聯繫當地運營商,以確認您的接送詳情。已於 2021年8月 回答
- 大峽谷國家公園巴士遊覽期間開車到大峽谷需要多長時間?
- 從拉斯維加斯到大峽谷南緣的距離約為 270 英里。因此,這次大峽谷之旅需要4個小時才能到達位於大峽谷國家公園的南緣。已於 2021年8月 回答
旅遊業者已回答顧客的以下問題。- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:18262P1
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- Zihua L0 篇投稿值得一去这次去大峡谷西部真是太棒了。Jaime是一个很棒的导游,她在解释所有细节和历史知识方面做得很好。总的来说,这是愉快的一天。值得一试。發表日期:2023年12月29日
- hongqiaol20210 篇投稿不错的体验整体体验不错,会提供简单的午餐,景区也是有食物贩卖的。旅游有提供选择可以有早餐和午餐。GIA是很好的导游,会和乘客互动,也会给拍照建议和帮忙拍照。车上有提供水。Hoover dam也很壮观。推荐这家的服务。發表日期:2023年4月23日
- Kortega_20000 篇投稿超棒!哦,我的天啊!我们在Hoover Dam之旅中度过了一段美好的时光!我们的司机迈克非常友好,知识渊博,最重要的是他很有幽默感。我们一定会推荐给任何人!!發表日期:2019年10月15日
- 小溫520 篇投稿美景震慑的峡谷到大峡谷的旅客须先在游客中心买票(美金50元不含skywalk) 买完票后外面等shuttle bus载上去,自家车辆是无法开的,建议来大峡谷的旅客只要买50元美金的门票就可以饱览了發表日期:2017年8月15日
- Scorpio-10010 篇投稿游览大峡谷的南部边缘我在线订了一个旅游团。他们提供瓶装水。午餐是盒饭。我选择了这个旅游是为了避免长时间的排队在平庸餐厅。我们有大约3个小时,在2个位置上的边缘。角向上点。奇妙的景色。下次我会需要更多的时间来做一个短途旅行。导游很好,让游客保持进程。發表日期:2017年8月10日
- Cathy K0 篇投稿哇欧!最近在拉斯维加斯游玩期间,我们来大峡谷进行了一日游。很高兴我们来了,太惊艳了。这里属于那种照片照不出来的景色,你需要亲自来一趟,真正地欣赏这里到底有多壮丽。我们特别勇敢的走了从峡谷边延伸出75英尺的空中走廊。这真是锦上添花。我们非常强烈的推荐这次旅程,你不能错过这里!發表日期:2016年4月25日
- in老板殷倩0 篇投稿上帝的“大坑”大峡谷分为西缘、南缘和北缘,北缘只有5-10月开放,南缘全年开放,西缘属于印第安领地,有著名的玻璃桥,如果是直升机视野会比较好,大峡谷范围内的直升机只能在领空观赏,西缘印第安人的直升机可以降到谷底,还可以船游科罗拉多河發表日期:2016年4月9日
- sherocko j0 篇投稿大峡谷Jewell真的是一个尽职的好导游。幽默又友善真诚。任何人去马瑟斯的游客中心,他都会让游客观看大峡谷形成的视频。發表日期:2016年4月4日
- DYardMan0 篇投稿大峡谷南边大峡谷(南边)的旅程很棒。这是辛苦的一天,但看到激动人心的景色很值得。行程也包含在胡佛水坝和塞利格曼的怀旧66号公路的拍照点。我们的司机见多识广。不是所有的酒店/度假村都有接送服务。發表日期:2016年2月27日
- Ooomp0 篇投稿值得一试我们的导游Uncle russell,给我们打点好一切。他的步伐非常好,很坚定,而且他一直尽力讲解好我们问到的任何问题。接人和放人都很顺利。公司计划3月1号的时候改变午餐供应,这样一整天下来我们的时间变少了,但是说实话,休息的时间安排的很好。我们都觉得我们一整天的行程计划得很好。推荐!發表日期:2016年2月24日
這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。
1,211 則評論
Taras U
6 則投稿
It was a pleasant experience! Initially a bit nervous after reading some of the FEW negative reviews, but that nervous feeling was gone almost instantly. The tour guide (Russ) was friendly, personable, and informative throughout the trip. Though the drive to and from seemed long, he filled the time with interesting info to make the drive seem waaaay shorter. Highly encourage anyone who is interested in seeing Grand Canyon NP to do this trip! It’s worth every penny! And the views…breathtaking! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Humberto G
1 則投稿
2025年1月 • 家庭式
Ross was excellent!!!
Always have a great explanation on every single stops.
My family and I have a great time I really recommend this tour!!
Always have a great explanation on every single stops.
My family and I have a great time I really recommend this tour!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Lone Traveler
新加坡新加坡7 則投稿
2025年1月 • 單獨旅行
Grand canyon is simply breathtaking. The tour was well-organized and we had the choice of a paid guided excursion or a free and easy walk to the designated location. The former included a hike down the Bright Angel trail. The tour guide was knowledgeable and professional.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
D Oliveros
1 則投稿
2025年1月 • 家庭式
The tour was worth every penny. We pretty much spent an entire eventful day with professional and friendly staff. I felt very safe and taken care of considering that the trip to the Grand Canyon and back was quite long (and scenic). The bus drivers, Donald and Shannon (I believe, and hopefully the names were spelled correctly) were cool. Same goes for The Plant Guy (aka. Russ), who was quite entertaining.
I learned a lot of fun facts, and I do recommend opting in for the VIP package! Also, very many photos were taken, and the staff were happy to take photos as well. Special shout out to the Route 66 Gift Shop folx, including Max the doggo!
I learned a lot of fun facts, and I do recommend opting in for the VIP package! Also, very many photos were taken, and the staff were happy to take photos as well. Special shout out to the Route 66 Gift Shop folx, including Max the doggo!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
It sounds like you had an amazing day trip from Vegas! We are glad you had the opportunity to experience the breathtaking Grand Canyon. We're proud of our excellent staff, who consistently go above and beyond to ensure our guests enjoy their experiences. We are glad to know that you find the trip to be worth the cost.
We are thrilled to hear that that our drivers made you feel safe throughout the tour.
We'll continue working hard to make our tours exceptional and memorable.
Thank you for your 5-star rating and your valuable feedback.
We appreciate your business and it has been a pleasure serving you.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
2 則投稿
2025年1月 • 家庭式
We took the South Rim Grand Canyon Destination tour. In totality, the trip was good. I would recommend checking out the agency offering the tour - ours was not the best. It allowed a 4 year old child to accompany his family and he acted just like you would expect from a 4 year old awakened around 6 am and thrust into a bus full of strangers. Neither the tour guide nor the parents ever asked him to put on his seatbelt and he was up and down the back part of the bus running from his two sisters back to his parents. They ended up with the use of 10 seats as several of us moved away from the commotion into less comfortable seats. The tour guide, Russ, said there was nothing he could do. The guide did feel comfortable though shilling summer kayak river trips where he will be a guide.
The tour conveyed a lot of good information in relation to the local habitat and the film of the building of the Hoover Dam during the Great Depression was excellent. I couldn't see it all b/c when I moved to a quieter seat it put my back to the screen.
There was a VIP tour when we got to the Grand Canyon, an extra $25, but that afforded you the head of the line at the crowded restrooms - cheapskates be damned. Oh, and that poor couple who didn't understand the directions given by the guide and ended up waiting at the wrong pickup spot were shamed by the guide who encouraged the group to jeer at them when the van backtracked to pick them up. Thankfully, very few passengers participated.
The canyon itself performed beautifully, showing a multitude of colored rock formations as you looked down through the various strata. Many times a picture could capture the same strata in sun and shade. Gorgeous. The only sounds puncturing the quiet were the calls of the birds who call the canyon home.
About halfway back to Vegas the bus stopped and passengers had a choice of two restaurants to get take out dinner and then we were back on the road, making it back to Vegas around 11 pm.
One sensible thing the company did was to drop off first the passengers who got on the bus first - much appreciated.
The tour conveyed a lot of good information in relation to the local habitat and the film of the building of the Hoover Dam during the Great Depression was excellent. I couldn't see it all b/c when I moved to a quieter seat it put my back to the screen.
There was a VIP tour when we got to the Grand Canyon, an extra $25, but that afforded you the head of the line at the crowded restrooms - cheapskates be damned. Oh, and that poor couple who didn't understand the directions given by the guide and ended up waiting at the wrong pickup spot were shamed by the guide who encouraged the group to jeer at them when the van backtracked to pick them up. Thankfully, very few passengers participated.
The canyon itself performed beautifully, showing a multitude of colored rock formations as you looked down through the various strata. Many times a picture could capture the same strata in sun and shade. Gorgeous. The only sounds puncturing the quiet were the calls of the birds who call the canyon home.
About halfway back to Vegas the bus stopped and passengers had a choice of two restaurants to get take out dinner and then we were back on the road, making it back to Vegas around 11 pm.
One sensible thing the company did was to drop off first the passengers who got on the bus first - much appreciated.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for contacting us regarding your tour. We are glad that you had the opportunity to explore the beauty of the Grand Canyon.
We are saddened to hear about your experience during your tour with us. Please accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused and greatly appreciate your feedback, even if they are not the best, as we pride ourselves on providing great customer service and amazing tours, we always have room to grow and become better.
We are a small family-owned business and all types of feedback and reviews are very important to us as we value every passenger's opinion.
We also wish to extend our sincere apologies for the unprofessional conduct displayed by the tour guide. We will address this matter promptly. We appreciate you for bringing this to our attention.
We offer a guided walking tour inside the canyon as an optional activity. During this tour, you will be accompanied by a guide throughout your time in the park. This is a wonderful chance to learn more about the canyon, and our guides will take amazing photos of you, creating lasting memories to cherish for a lifetime. We understand that some guests prefer to explore on their own. The park provides free shuttles for self-guided tours, allowing you to visit each location at your own pace and take charge of your time in the canyon.
We will surely take note of the events that occurred on your tour and address them to improve our services.
We appreciate your business and thank you for your understanding.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Hector R
1 則投稿
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侶
Russ was a great guide .Excellent experience. Will recommend to friends and family. Will do the tour again. Thank you for the service
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you so much for the 5-star rating.
Thank you for choosing and recommending Grand Canyon Destinations!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
jared f
1 則投稿
2025年1月 • 單獨旅行
This trip has been on my bucket list for over 20 years. I have been to Vegas plenty of times and never made time for this trip. Finally made it happen and it didn’t disappoint. The pictures don’t do it any justice and I would definitely take the time and walk the trail. Russ was a great guide and would highly recommend this tour.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hello Jared,
Thank you for the 5-stars! We are so happy to hear you enjoyed your tour with us and the opportunity to experience the true beauty of the Grand Canyon.
Thank you for your recommendation and for choosing Grand Canyon Destinations!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
2 則投稿
Great trip. Russ was fantastic! Only one suggestion: Morning stops on the way to the park could be lesser/shorter to make better use of the time to explore the park.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
We are glad you had a great time on your South Rim Tour.We appreciate your feedback and will share it with our team to improve future tours!
We hope to see you again and thank you for choosing and recommending Grand Canyon Destinations!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
3 則投稿
2025年1月 • 單獨旅行
Great over all. Ross shared some interesting facts and was informative.
The bus is comfortable and clean.
The bus is comfortable and clean.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you so much for the 5-star rating. We are so happy you enjoyed the service we’ve provided! We will be sure to pass along your amazing feedback to Russ!
Thank you for choosing Grand Canyon Destinations!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Je n
4 則投稿
Absolutely amazing! Great driver and the driver (Ross) was hilarious and so kind. The canyon was stunning and not overcrowded. I would come back any time!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hello Jen,
We are so happy to hear you enjoyed your tour with us!
Thank you for your recommendation and for choosing Grand Canyon Destinations!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
The South Rim Grand Canyon is Beautiful! Unfortunately the bus trip with GC Tours was not acceptable. Upon communications with them, they are happy with what they offered.
I AM NOT happy with their $20 rebate. I believe that for a 3 hr delay, a Seron when you are trapped on the bus and scaring individuals about walking 3miles in 35deg heat when some people are elderly / health issues from drop zone 1 to take the "optional" tour is definitely not worth it! People should have been transported to drop zone 2 and then the tour, which would have made more sense. Over all, a lot of grief and very little recognition. Very disappointed!
For how much time the bus stops at the Grand Canyon National Park and at the South Rim?
Hi there! It's a long trip to go and back, so like 1 hours to see the Canyon and more like 45 minutes into Bright Angel Lodge, that is pretty close and you can see the Canyon also. You are going to have stops to have lunch and snacks also during the trip.
Is the Stop Hoover Dam as written in the Description back in the Tour? Because a Person wrote there is no stop. Question is for the Year 2022? Thank you.
There is no stop at the Hoover Dam. We drove past it slowly and if you’re on the 2nd floor of the bus you can see it but you can’t see anything from the bottom seats. Hope that helps!
When at Mather Point, would I have time to stop at the National Park Visitor Center?
A short time but you’ll have time at the gift shop at Bright Angel
6am. We didn’t get back until around 10-11 pm, but we were late because of a sand storm.
We were staying at the Strat and got pickup up at Treasure Island. We took the Deuce (local bus) that picked us up right in front of the Strat and dropped us off in front of Treasure Island. The Deuce pass is $8 per person and you can use it for 24hrs. Very convenient wish we would have used the Deuce in previous stays.
Mark J
What time would pick up be at the Stratosphere Hotel & Casino? And would a picture on my phone of my Vaccine Card work for proof?
Your statement says that CDC guidelines require proof of immunization. That is no longer in effect. Are you still requiring this or negative covid test?
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